Grand Rapids

Michigan, USA

In Grand Rapids, the Urban Collaboratory focuses on water and social issues.

About Grand Rapids

Following Detroit, Grand Rapids is the largest city in Michigan.

Located in Kent County, Grand Rapids is about 30 miles East of the shores of Lake Michigan.

  • Population: 198,829
  • Area: 44.40 square miles
  • Median Household Income: $42,019
  • Poverty Rate: 25.1%

“As part of Michigan’s Water Strategy it is critical that the entire sector work together to innovate and address emerging concerns. University of Michigan’s Urban Collaboratory project provides a bridge between academics and practitioners. Grand Rapids is a leader in real time controls and data analysis and when the opportunity from the Urban Collaboratory presented itself to look at the data using AI, it was embraced. As a Utilities Director and Innovator this bridge is a prime example of where the future is headed.”

Michael Lunn

Utilities Director, Grand Rapids Environmental Services Department

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