The State of Michigan

Michigan, USA

The State of Michigan is known for its amazing natural resources, agriculture, academic institutions, fresh water and the automotive industry. Its name was derived from the Indian word “Michigama”, meaning great or large lake. Michigan has a population of just over 10 million and an area of nearly 97,000 square miles making it the 10th-largest state by population and the 11th-largest by area. Michigan is the only state that touches four of the five Great Lakes and has the longest freshwater coastline in the United States.

About the State of Michigan

The State of Michigan is known for its amazing natural resources, agriculture, academic institutions, fresh water and the automotive industry. Its name was derived from the Indian word “Michigama”, meaning great or large lake. Michigan has a population of just over 10 million and an area of nearly 97,000 square miles making it the 10th-largest state by population and the 11th-largest by area. Michigan is the only state that touches four of the five Great Lakes and has the longest freshwater coastline in the United States.

  • Nickname: Wolverine State
  • State Bird: American Robin
  • State Flower : Apple Blossom
  • Coastline: 3,288 Miles
  • Automotive Production: Michigan is home to nearly 19% of all U.S. auto production, more than any state in the nation.

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