Benton Harbor’s aging water system needs upgrading to maintain service and protect public health into the future, but the city has limited funds. Professor Glen Daigger and his team are identifying action to be taken now to improve the city’s water system, using risk assessment and risk analysis techniques, as well as mobile sensors to assess system condition.
City of Benton Harbor
These results were then compared to historical pressure measurements made by the Fire Department to identify sections of the water distribution system where pressures deviate from those predicted by the model, indicating the presence of factors to be addressed, such as closed valves and/or sections with leakage. This assessment is used to determine locations to deploy mobile sensors to obtain a more contemporary assessment of system condition.
This initial assessment will then provide the data to assist the City in developing a phased improvement plan. Low pressures are a water service quality concern (sufficient pressure is needed to ensure adequate water supply to customers, water quality concern (low pressures suggest the potential for the intrusion of extraneous water into the system), and less than desired fire flow, if needed.
The research team will be deploying mobile sensors in Benton Harbor in the fall of 2018 to further refine the assessment of areas to focus improvement activities on. The data collected will provide the basis for developing a prioritized improvement and assessment plan going forward.
Using autonomous sensors and valves to create “smart” stormwater systems to reduce flooding forecasting, and improve water quality.
Learn MoreUsing wireless sensors to monitor water quality and flow conditions and to control drains to Ox Creek in Benton Harbor.
Learn MoreOptimizing phosphorus removal at Detroit’s water treatment facility, to keep it out of lakes and rivers.
Learn MoreUsing wearable-based technology to help seniors stay mobile and age in place, while avoiding exposure to falls and environmental risks or hazards.
Learn MoreInvestigating the use of cutting-edge molecular tools that characterize and optimize water quality process performance.
Learn MoreThe first in a series of health clinic prototypes that bring technology-enabled chronic health care monitoring to remote, underserved global populations.
Learn MoreLimiting the volume of stormwater in the Detroit system to prevent untreated sewage from being released into the Detroit and Rouge Rivers.
Learn MoreUsing big data, data mining, and artificial intelligence to improve performance of the highly advanced Grand Rapids Water Resource Recovery Facilities.
Learn MoreUsing remote sensing and security camera data to better understand how people are using the Detroit RiverFront Conservancy public spaces.
Learn MoreApplication of real-time sensing and dynamic control on existing wastewater infrastructure to reduce the frequency and volume of Combined Sewer Overflows.
Learn MoreA grassroots train-the-trainer program on how to install, operate and maintain faucet-mounted point-of-use filters to protect for lead in drinking water.
Learn MoreThe Sensors in a Shoebox project focuses on empowering Detroit youth as agents of change for their city.
Learn MoreThe Great Lakes Water Authority is looking for ways to rehabilitate large diameter water mains without actually having to dig up city streets.
Learn MoreA PFAS treatment approach for groundwater using low-temperature plasma with a concentration phase
Learn MoreThe University of Michigan is developing a structural reliability framework to quantify the probability of failure of pipe segments throughout the GLWA system.
Learn MoreThe goal of this project is to develop a data-driven asset management framework that quantifies risk in the water distribution network for southeast Michigan.
Learn MoreThe city of Benton Harbor wishes to transform Ox Creek into a residential, recreational and commercial centerpiece linking important segments of the community.
Learn MoreWhile parks are designed and managed to generate community benefits, there remains a need for tools that can more rigorously measure how communities use parks.
Learn MoreThe MCFI will leverage research in water technology and work with stakeholders to translate research into practice, stimulate business growth and job creation.
Learn MoreRecommendations were developed to promote regional planning to ensure infrastructure investments are equitable and result in high-quality drinking water.
Learn MoreThe Urban Collaboratory is working with the USEPA and the Great Lakes Water Authority to remediate and restore the Rouge River.
Learn MoreThe goal of this project is to explore seamless and independent mobility for people with physical disabilities.
Learn MoreThe University of Michigan (UM) conducted a comprehensive research project in collaboration with the City of Ann Arbor Drinking Water Treatment Plant (AADWTP).
Learn More
Professor, Environmental and Water Resources
Dr. Daigger is currently Professor of Engineering Practice at the University of Michigan and President and Founder of One Water Solutions, LLC, a water engineering and innovation firm. He previously served as Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for CH2M HILL where he was employed for 35 years, as well as Professor and Chair of Environmental Systems Engineering at Clemson University. Actively engaged in the water profession through major projects, and as author or co-author of more than 100 technical papers, four books, and several technical manuals, he contributes to significantly advance practice within the water profession. He has advised many of the major cites of the world, including New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Singapore, Hong Kong, Istanbul, and Beijing, and is currently a member of the Asian Development Bank Water Advisory Group. Deeply involved in professional activities, he is currently co-Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Water Environment and Reuse Foundation (WE&RF), and a Past President of the International Water Association (IWA). The recipient of numerous awards, including the Kappe, Freese, and Feng lectures and the Harrison Prescott Eddy, Morgan, and the Gascoigne Awards, he is a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a Distinguished Fellow of IWA, and a Fellow of the Water Environment Federation (WEF). A member of a number of professional societies, Dr. Daigger is also a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineers.
+ Optimizing Phosphorus Removal at Detroit’s Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF)
+ Protecting Public Health with Improved Water Service
+ Use of Artificial Intelligence in Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF)
Associate Professor, Industrial & Operations Engineering
Industrial and Operations Engineering Graduate Program Advisor
Seth Guikema is an Associate Professor in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan with a joint appointment in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is also a Professor II at the University of Stavanger (Norway) in Societal Safety and Risk Management as well as a Data Science Research Fellow at One Concern, Inc. He is the President Elect of the Society for Risk Analysis (2019) and will serve as President of SRA in 2020. His research is grounded in risk analysis, predictive data analytics, and complex systems modeling and analysis. While much of his research focuses on natural hazards impacting communities and infrastructure, he also works on modeling and better understanding the effects of repeated hazards on communities and how they evolve over time, modeling issues of equity in urban areas, climate resilience of small-holder farmers in Ethiopia, terrorism risk analysis, and human trafficking.
Borchardt and Glysson Collegiate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Nancy G. Love is the Borchardt and Glysson Collegiate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan. She previously served as chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and as Associate Dean in the University of Michigan’s Rackham School of Graduate Studies. She previously taught at Virginia Tech.
Dr. Love’s research interests include water quality and environmental biotechnology. Specifically, she studies the fate of toxins and pharmaceuticals in wastewater, as well as the technologies that can be used to remove these chemical stressors.
Dr. Love holds a PhD in Environmental Systems Engineering from Clemson University (1994) and both a Masters of Science (1986) and a Bachelors of Science (1984) in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.